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Currently reading

Around the World in Eighty Days
Jules Verne, Brian W. Aldiss, Michael Glencross
Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy
Karen Foxlee
David Price
The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements
Sam Kean
Teaching Visual Literacy: Using Comic Books, Graphic Novels, Anime, Cartoons, and More to Develop Comprehension and Thinking Skills
Nancy Frey
Engaging the Eye Generation: Visual Literacy Strategies for the K-5 Classroom
Johanna Riddle
Visual Literacy: Learn to See, See to Learn
Lynell Burmark
Meteor! - Patricia Polacco Small town experiences the excitement of a meteor that has landed on a local farm. Illustrations have great detail - there is much to look at. Small note regarding consistency: page 1 explains that the story that follows describes events that occurred during a summer visit with grandparents. Later in story, narrator mentions that the school lets out early. While summer school/year round schooling is not unheard of, not common (at least in my neck of woods).